dr. susan hutchinson

Alternatives to the Emergency Room

When a severe migraine hits, many sufferers end up in the Emergency Room (ER). This is not ideal for many reasons including the long wait to be seen, the noise and bright lights in the ER, the attitude of the ER staff often treating the migraine patient as a narcotic seeker, and lastly, the cost. There are several alternatives to the ER including an urgent care center, home rescue, or an infusion center

2017-01-09T15:21:15+00:00January 9th, 2017|Tips|

Dr. Hutchinson in Family Circle

Dr. Susan Hutchinson appears in a new article posted on Family Circle's website on how to Migraine Management and how to avoid the worst headache of your life. You can read it here: http://www.familycircle.com/health/concerns/migraine-management/

2016-10-29T22:13:44+00:00October 29th, 2016|News|

Dr. Hutchinson BlogHer Panel Appearance

Last Saturday, August 6th, 2016, Dr. Susan Hutchinson appeared at the BlogHer16 conference at the JW Marriott Los Angeles as part of a panel sponsored by More To Migraine. Attendees took in a discussion about migraine, its impact, and resources to help manage it.

2016-10-25T00:08:33+00:00August 8th, 2016|News|

Setting Boundaries

This week in my practice I have interacted with many migraine patients having trouble setting boundaries. As a migraine sufferer and “overachiever,” I can relate. I am, by nature, a people pleaser and dislike confrontation or any interaction that is uncomfortable. I sacrifice my emotional and physical health to avoid discomfort. This seems to be common in migraine patients. Read more

2016-10-22T14:38:00+00:00May 19th, 2016|Tips|
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